Payday loan scams may seem like old news, but they’re more common than ever. In fact, in 2018, the FTC…
October 30, 2019
You might approach your student loan the same way you approach those term papers: If you don’t think…
October 22, 2019
When shopping for a new set of wheels, your first stop should be right here, at West Texas Credit Union.…
October 16, 2019
If you’ve recently been rejected from a credit application of any kind, you may be looking at a poor…
October 8, 2019
People starting out in their careers often focus on the here and now while ignoring the future when it…
October 4, 2019
Americans Spend $7,429.24 Over Their Budget Every Year, According to A New Survey Crowdsourced shopping…
September 23, 2019
The typical home buyer spends more than four months shopping for the perfect place, according to online…
September 20, 2019
The dog days of summer are behind us, and September is ushering in the unofficial start of fall. Shoppers…
September 9, 2019
Lighten the Load this School Year Parents, teachers and students across the country are in the back-to-school…
September 3, 2019
1.) Use allowance as a teaching tool Give your kids their allowances with no strings attached to help…
August 15, 2019
Q: I’m working on improving my credit score, so I’m being extra careful about paying my bills on time.…
July 17, 2019
Q: I know purchasing life insurance is the responsible thing to do, but the choices are overwhelming.…
July 1, 2019